Areola Pigmentation
Areola Restoration for Mastectomy Patients | 3D Areola Pigmentation & Enhancements
For women who have undergone mastectomies, other breast surgery or who may have irregular or fading areolas. These permanent paramedical breast restoration procedures are nothing short of a medical miracle. Cosmetically tattooed micropigmentation is a way to restore the natural beauty of your breasts so you can regain confidence in your own femininity.
I offer 3D areola restoration- where the nipples look nearly as real as the original.
Whether you have undergone a mastectomy, have vitiligo, are unhappy with the shape or colouring of your areolas, this treatment may be what you have been longing for. All areas are designed with pencil before the procedure and numbed.
Healing is typically 2-7 days. All aftercare is provided to maintain the safety and quality of healing.
Book for a complimentary consultation!
Areolas $499
Touch Up $199